Sticker Shock Campaign

What is Sticker Shock?

Sticker Shock is a project where the community, youth, and alcohol retailers all work together to combat minors obtaining access to alcohol. Each year, a youth designed sticker is created, selected, and printed onto window clings or stickers. The messaging on the sticker is geared towards adults to stop them from purchasing alcohol for minors.

PYDC uses this youth created sticker in retail locations in the community to fight against social access. By creating relationships with retailers of alcohol our hope is to decrease the number of individuals over the age of 21 buying alcohol for minors.

Sticker Shock Resources and Articles

Our Work

Sticker Shock Campaign

Social Marketing Campaign

Social Norms Campaign

Photo Voice Project

Hidden In Plain Sight

A Healthy Plymouth

Cluster Collaboration

Behavioral & Emotional Health Subcommittee

Project Outreach